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Windekind Pozo training diaries: maandag 1 juli 2019

Vandaag 2de dag op het water. Wind in Pozo is iets te hard vandaag dus verhuizen we naar Bahia Formas...toch ook nog goed voor 40-45 knopen wind. Arthur, Alexander en Ward smijten zich op de airjibe en Lore en Emma trainen de powerjibe in heavy winds...

Foto's Bahia Formas:

Alexander Erfurt

Our surfvan

Ward De Malsche Duckjibe training

Arthur Van Den Brande jibe training

Cyriel Verhaeghe

lunchtime break

Emma Fransen

Arthur ollie

Lore Demaesschalck

Windekind claiming the spot

Yes it's windy here!

Cyriel Full power

Ward coming out of duckjibe

Alexander cruising

Emma jibe training

wise words from the coach

Ward, Lore & Emma

Arthur cruising

Cyriel full power

Hans, Frank & Christof

Lore jibe training

Stijn Van Den Brande spock

Stijn spock

Emma jibe

Lore full speed jibe


Ward washing the hands while duckjibing

hang loose

Alexander airjibe training


Ward airjibe

Stijn Spinloop

Alexander airjibe cliose-up

Ward's airjibes are getting close!

's Avonds quality time voor de papa's tijdens een sessie op Vargas.

Foto's Vargas:

Frank Erfurt getting down

Wave 360 by Olivier Pas

Wave 360 by Olivier Pas (2)

Cutback by Stijn Van Den Brande

Spray it!

Goiter by Olivier Pas

Goiter by Olivier Pas (2)

Goiter by Olivier Pas (3)

Christof Denolf

Oli cutback 1

another cutback by Oli Pas

spray it with Frank Erfurt


bottom turn by Olivier Pas

Christof en Oli

Morgen meer!

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I adore surfing, so seeing training logs like Windekind Pozo's gets me really excited! bitlife


Ann Green
Ann Green
Sep 30

I really want to experience this surfing sport, it feels so exciting and thrilling when surfing each wave. Happy Wheels


I absolutely love surfing, and seeing training diaries like Windekind Pozo’s really gets me pumped! The dedication and skill involved are inspiring. Speaking of dedication, just like crafting a perfect surf routine requires top-notch techniques, so does creating a solid thesis. For anyone looking to excel in their academic writing, finding the best thesis writing services can make all the difference!


It was a difficult voyage due to the severely windy weather on the ocean below. connections game


I'll try it as soon as posible! bitlife

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